““In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.””
“Good Health is Good Business”
Workplace Wellness
With a business background and over 20 years of experience in the holistic health & wellness industry, Dawn Marie offers an array of options designed specifically for the working person.
Workplace Yoga & Meditation Sessions
$150.00/session for up to two people
$200.00/session for 3 to 10 people
$15.00 per person for additional participants
***Yoga mats are supplied***
Yoga not only enhances physical well-being. It also fosters mental clarity and emotional balance.
Online Mental Health Break
$125.00/60 minute session
$50.00/30 minute session
Virtual Holistic Life Coaching sessions give a much-needed wellness break whether you are working from home or at the office.
Employees can use the time to talk, strategize, or just take a well-deserved time out to do a meditation, maybe some Yoga, or just breathe.
My corporate and solopreneur clients love this! Sessions can be a quick 30 minutes or longer depending on the need.
Employee Gifts & Incentives
Give the gift of health & well-being.
Gift certificates are available.
““Be at least as interested in what goes on inside you as what happens outside. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.””